Global Tax Centers

Become A GTC Affiliate | Owner Operator


Preparing your taxes legally, ethically & morally!

  •  Entrepreneurship and financial freedom for less than $5,000
  • 12 month calendar year-round business model from January to December (No 8-week breaks!)
  • Create your own schedule and work when you want to work
  • Control the price of your tax preparation fees and discounts
  • Earn commissions from 30% to 100% of the tax preparation fee based on total number of  tax returns filed and accepted by IRS
  • Recruit, train and build your own Team of Independent Tax Professionals
  • Earn Affiliate Owner | Operator Territory override and residual commission's from Independent Tax Professional's you recruited
  • Errors & omissions insurance to cover tax preparer mistakes
  • Provide additional professional services, e.g., accounting, bookkeeping, incorporation, and payroll, etc.


If you are a Tax Preparer Working at a traditional income tax preparation provider, then ask yourself these questions:

Q: Are you sick & tired of being paid minimum wage?

Q: Are you sick & tired of getting negative draws against commissions?

Q: Are you sick & tired of being unable to charge the price you want for your service?

Q: Are you sick & tired of having to get permission to offer your client's a mere $25 discount?

Q: Are you sick & tired of having a "glass ceiling" placed on your earning potential or promotions?

Q: Are you being forced to sell other revenue generating products that you receive little to no additional compensation?

Q: Are you looking for a "once-in-a-lifetime" opportunity?